Saturday, November 8, 2008

Greetings and Salutations

Welcome to the world of the Kille family. I hope to be able to keep up with this blog. Please feel free to send comments or suggestions for blogs.


Wild Canary said...

Well, darlins'...I like this idea. The photos are much better than the this the real deal?
You know we are praying and glad that you are near a good church and good neighbors. Oh, how I wish we could be there to help out and fix stuff. I have every confidence that you will figure things out though...either finding experts or learning. We did. It helps to ask God for wisdom. Love and hugs and keep us posted. Connie MOm

Wild Canary said...

I hope you will be able to bring the book with you when you visit. I would enjoy reading it and discussing it with you. It is good that you are drawing closer to God because of it. Dad and I were just discussing how God sometimes takes years to answer our prayers. We think some things are urgent and he takes his time. It is always for our good and His will. And we are still learning to trust. HUGS.
Connie Mom