Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer 2010

It's been awhile since I've posted anything on this blog. I didn't think I would do well keeping up with it, but it's nice to have for when I get around to blogging.

Summer is upon us and I have a lot planned for both me and Morgan. We will be visiting the Library once a week as well as the YMCA. Morgan will continue gymnastics and she will also be in a Summer program during June and July to help her practice some of the stuff she learned this school year and to keep her sharp for the upcoming school year.

Other plans for the summer are to continue our ministry, Celebrate Recovery, at our church. We meet weekly and it is an awesome ministry to help others overcome their hurts, habits and hang ups. VBS is in June as well. I haven't been asked to help and have been faithfully avoiding those whom I know may ask...LOL but Morgan will be attending, so it will be a nice evening break for us.

Ian and I will be attending a marriage conference the weekend of June 4th which happens to be our 16th wedding anniversary. I am excited about this weekend because like most marriages, it is helpful to take time to focus on and renew the marriage. I will do my best to blog about it after we get home.

I will be taking Morgan to my parents in June for a week to help dad with filling out his disability forms and to go to some doctors appointments with him. He was recently told by an optometrist that he is 100% blind in his left eye, needs a cornea transplant, has cataracts in both eyes as well as glaucoma in both eyes. He had an opthamologist review his records and was told that he may not be able to get a cornea transplant at all since his left eyelid doesn't close and he has no muscles in that eyelid. I think he was hoping to get this taken care of and get back to work, but I'm not sure that's going to happen if he can't have the surgery.

I am starting school in the fall to work on getting a nursing liscence. Well, that's if I can get all the financial part worked out. I have been wanting to go back to school to become a nurse for years and now is the perfect time. I trust that God will work out the finances and if they don't work out, then I know it is not His will.

Anyway, I am excited for this summer and spending some time with Morgan. Sleeping in late, playing and having fun together. I hope your summer is fantastic!

Peace be with you!

1 comment:

Wild Canary said...

Love to see you writing again and hear your plans with Morgan. I am praying for your Dad.
Love and hugs, ConnieMom